Friday, February 4, 2011

soccer days

 I will play soccer with friends in Africa.  Tanzania is a good place to play soccer.  It is hot.  The land is good for sports.  I will have fun playing soccer.  I need $2,000 to get there.  My cousin will come Africa with me.  We will work at my Grandma orphanage.  I will work all day and than play soccer.  It will be fun
to play all evening and more.  The night is cold.  It has mosquitoes.  I will be gone in May.


  1. I was telling Vanessa about your new blog, and She was saying that you should've named it Yukon Macho In The Wilds Of Africa. ;-) Keep posting, we're reading!

  2. Hey Caleb, Don't forget to come and visit your uncle, aunt and cousins too! We don't live too far from Memere's place! Can't wait to see you and keep writing! Antionette
